Department Business Ethics

What's the point?

Sustainability and environmental management has many dimensions. In addition to technical standards that need to be developed, it is the attitude and behaviour of managers that determine whether we make any progress at all and if so, how quickly.

In the current study programmes, the subject of ethical leadership has not yet reached sufficient relevance, so that the current thought models are based on an image of men that has already evolved in reality.

Misguided decisions in corporate management have had an impact on large population groups and the environment to an extent that is increasingly measurable and felt. With the new information transparency, companies are directly confronted with the fact that share prices are falling and public reputation is suffering considerably. Young talents are increasingly looking for companies as employers that base their actions and decisions on ethical principles.

Sustainability and environmental management must therefore begin with working on the recruitment of managers. Ethical reflection of business models and processes is a first step towards positive progress towards sustainable business results.

First steps an topics

Business ethics at the VNU must be implemented in a theoretically sound and pragmatic manner close to the company.

The kick-off event of the department business ethics and responsible leadership took place on 28th April, 2017 at Fraport AG with the topics "Leadership 2020: Why Leadership in the 21st Century will be Completely Re-evaluated", "Knowledge Tools Business Ethics for Managers" and "Practiced Business Ethics: Dialogue with Interest Groups as a Boost for Innovation".

Departments events

  • VNU-Webinar on 1st February 2019:
    Nudges for Sustainability
  • VNU-User-Meeting on 14th March 2019:
    Wirtschaftethik – Orientation ans Implementation. Host: Weltethos-Institut, Tübingen

Extended networking of the VNU

Part of the work will be to professionally network the VNU and its members in the field of business ethics. As a transfer partner of the Global Ethic Institute Tübingen, as a member of the German Network for Business Ethics and through his participation in the management committee of Ethics First in cooperation with the Humanistic Management Center in St. Gallen, Klaus J. Schuler will be able to help to implement the initially abstract-sounding topic in a way that is understandable in practice and, above all, relevant to success. Conversely, he will make the VNU known to these organisations. In this way, new strong synergies can be created.

Your contact

Klaus J. Schuler is the VNU's contact person for business ethics and responsible leadership issues.  For over 30 years he has been working for a wide variety of companies in the field of executive development. In his last position he was responsible for customers and teams worldwide. For more than 28 years he has held national and international management positions and was responsible for sales, personnel and subsidiaries. In order to prepare managers even better for ethical reflection, responsible action and sustainable company results, he founded Tripl3Leader GmbH in 2013, for which he has also been managing director since then.


Phone: +49 171 7534280