The Corporate Carbon Footprint (CCF) for your Company
Identify, evaluate, communicate: Make your company fit for climate protection.
With the CO2-Rechner.PRO, you are selecting a user-friendly solution for creating your greenhouse gas balance, which can be customised for any industry so that you can also achieve reliable results in Scope 3. Together with a broad network of renowned partners, the systems are continuously developed and customised. This makes climate protection effective, credible and measurable in an up-to-date manner.
Climate reporting in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
All accounting methods are scientifically based and in line with the international Greenhouse Gas Protocol standard.
From members for members
The CO2-Rechner.PRO is an offer from KlimAktiv.
... for companies
As part of a VNU corporate membership, you will receive a 20% discount on the basic RIO licence (Scope 1 and 2 as well as Scope 3 categories 3, 6 and 7) for your company. You can obtain a customised offer via
... for consultants
You would like to use the calculator for your customers? Then we also have a model for you.
... for testers
Would you like to get a first impression?
You can test the demo version of CO2-Rechner.PRO free of charge: