EMAS Club Europe – virtual Meeting

18. February 2022 in ZOOM-Meeting, Beginn: 11:00

From practice for practice:

Discuss all the issues of an environmental (management) representative! Ask your colleagues, the VNU and the environmental verifier!


11:00 - 15:30 h


EMAS - easy to install and implement
Intuitive approaches for a successful start and focusing on the essentials

Criteria for excellent environmental statements
What defines a good environmental statement?

Developing EMAS into a sustainability management system
Information on the BMU project "EMAS + Sustainability

Open exchange with questions from participants
Planning of next meeting


Mario Lodigiani, Head of the office of the German EMAS Advisory Board.
He has been supporting the VNU in activities to promote and spread EMAS since 2008, first as an advisor and since 2020 as Managing Director.

Veit Moosmayer, EMAS Club Regional Manager Southwest, Member of the VNU Board.
He headed the office of the German EMAS Advisory Board at the BMU for 8 years. Since 2016, he has been working at the Karlsruher Energie- und Klimaschutzagentur gGmbH (KEK) as vice managing director. He heads the EMAS Club Regional Group Southwest and has been a member of the VNU Board since 2020.

Lennart Schleicher,

EMAS Club Regional Manager South-East, VNU President.
He worked in industry as an environmental manager for more than 20 years and is now an accredited environmental verifier and owner of ENVEX Umweltberatung. He was a member of the German EMAS Advisory Board and head of the EMAS revision working group there. He has contributed to two EMAS reference documents. Today he is a member of the German delegation of the EMAS Expert Committee. Lennart Schleicher has been a member of the VNU Board since 2006 and president since 2018.


The participation in the virtual meeting of the EMAS Club Europe requires an existing or pending EMAS registration of the represented company.
VNU members participate free of charge and can register informally at the office.
Non-VNU members are requested to fill in the registration form and send it to the VNU office (vnu@vnu-ev.de).
Registration form (PDF) or Online-Registration

About this offer

Participants will receive the shared presentations after the virtual meeting.
VNU members can download the shared presentations from the VNU homepage.

Do you have any requests on current topics and questions on EMAS and environmental management that should be addressed at an EMAS Club Europe meeting? Please contact the VNU office (vnu@vnu-ev.de).

More about the EMAS Club Europe can be found here: EMAS Club Europe
You can find more about VNU membership here: Become a member