EMAS Club Europe – virtuelles Treffen

08. July 2021 in ZOOM Meeting, Beginn: 14:00

From practice for practice:

Discuss all the issues of an environmental (management) representative! Ask your colleagues, the VNU and the environmental verifier!


8. July 2021
14:00 - 16:45 Uhr


Neues aus dem UGA und der EU Kommission
Frank Kermann, Geschäftsstelle des Umweltgutachterausschusses

CSR-Berichtspflicht schon ab 250 Mitarbeiter –
Chancen und Risiken für EMAS
Wie ist der aktuelle Stand?
Welche Auswirkungen könnte dieses neue Gesetz auf EMAS haben?
Christoph Töpfer, Umweltbundesamt

Einsatzzeiten für Umweltmanagementbeauftragte –
Einfache Lösungen für komplexe Fragen?
Lennart Schleicher, Leiter der EMAS Club Regionalgruppe Südost

Offener Austausch mit Fragen der Teilnehmer
Planung nächstes Treffen


The requirement for participation in the virtual meeting of the EMAS Club Europe is an existing or pending EMAS registration of the represented company.
VNU members participate free of charge and can register informally at the office.
Non-VNU members are requested to fill in the registration form and send it to the VNU office (vnu@vnu-ev.de).
Registration form (PDF) oder online-registration

About this offer

Participants will receive the shared presentations after the virtual meeting.
VNU members can download the shared presentations from the VNU homepage.

Do you have any requests on current topics and questions on EMAS and environmental management that should be addressed at an EMAS Club Europe meeting? Please contact the VNU office  (vnu@vnu-ev.de).

More about EMAS Club Europe you'll find here: EMAS Club Europe
More about VNU membership you'll find here: become a member