The department Water Risk invited you to the virtual meeting (zoom meeting) on November, 17th, 2020 from 10 - 12 h. We presented the project WANDEL, learnt something about the water dialogue of the BMU, which provides the preliminary work for a water strategy and discussed together..
Participation is open to all interested parties who are involved in water management and (operational) water protection. With changing topics we offer you a professional insight and the opportunity for exchange with the other participants as well as the speakers. You are also welcome to use this meeting to get in contact with the VNU association and its entire range of services from and for members.
Welcome and introduction
Bettina Heimer (VNU), Dr. Markus Berger (TU Berlin)
The influence of water availability on energy system transformation - the subject of the WANDEL project
Prof. Dr. Martina Flörke, Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Ingenieurhydrologie und Wasserwirtschaft, Bochum
[ Vortrag ]
M.Sc. Anna Schomberg, University of Kassel / Center for Environmental Systems Research (CESR), Kassel
[ Vortrag ]
Good reasons for a national water strategy - challenges, conflicts, approaches
Dr. Jutta Niederste-Hollenberg, Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI, Karlsruhe
[ Vortrag ]
Members of the VNU can participate in this virtual event free of charge. Please register informally with an eMail to the VNU office .
Interested guests can get to know the meetings of the Water Risk Department free of charge on a one-off basis. Afterwards, participation is subject to a fee of 50.00 EUR (net). Please use the registration form to submit your data for the event.
Next Date
The participants have fixed the next meeting for March 4, 2021 (10-12 a.m.).
Possible topics could be the implementation of a water strategy through "Urban Gardening" or the iWET concept. In addition, there are results of a study by the Federal Environment Agency on the "Water Footprint of Germany" on which we report.
Documents and Records
The presentations were prospectively recorded and, together with the presentation slides, made available to those present and to VNU members.
More Information
... about the VNU-Department Water Risk: Ressort Water Risk
... about all heads of VNU-Departments: Department heads
... about VNU Membership: become a member
... about the usage of ZOOM inVNU: VNU Information [ DE ]