Water Risk – 15. Meeting

30. August 2021 in ZOOM-Meeting, Beginn: 14 h


The Department Water Risk offered its last virtual meeting on 30th, August, 2021 from 14-16 h. We presented a lecture about the living lab east frisia from DMK Group (water treatment from cheese manufacturing) and heard about the international study InoCottonGROW of the TU Berlin on the water footprint in cotton production.


  1. B-watersmart und das LivingLab East Frisia der DMK Group - vom Wasser aus der Käseherstellung zum Trinkwasser
    Lars Dammann, DMK Group, Bremen
    Projektbeschreibung LivingLab east frisia
    Link zum Vortrag
  2. Impulse zur Verringerung des Wasserfußabdrucks der globalen Baumwoll-Textilindustrie in Richtung der SDG
    Natalia Mikosch,  TU Berlin, Sustainable Engineering, Berlin
    Projektbeschreibung InoCottonGROW - TU Berlin
    Link zum Vortrag

Der Blick auf das Wasser aus einer ungewohnten Perspektive – Die bergbauliche Wasserhaltung
This lexture had to be postponed and is planned for the next meeting on January, 24th, 2022


The presentations of the 15th meeting will be made available for download on the VNU intranet after the event.
If a (released) recording is available, please provide a link-request.

More Information

... about the VNU-Department Water Risk: Ressort Water Risk

... about all heads of VNU-Departments: Department heads

... about VNU Membership: become a member

... about the usage of ZOOM inVNU: VNU Information [ DE ]