International Organisation of Standardisation

ISO International Organisation for Standardization

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with 163 national standards bodies, such as the DIN e.V. (German Institute for Standardization). Through its members it brings together experts to share knowledge and establish international standards. Market relevance, voluntariness and consensus are the prerequisites for promoting innovation and offering solutions to global challenges. The Central Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

Their tasks are:

  • Development and revision of international standards (Technical Committees)
  • Distribution of standards
  • Support during application (recommendations, aids to action, administration of standards)

In Technical Committees and their Working Groups, VNU cooperates via a liaison partnership and the delegates of the national mirror committees of DIN.

Contact persons


  • TC 207 - Environmental management
     standardisation in the field of environmental management systems
    and instruments to support sustainable development

    Prof. Dr. Eberhard K. Seifert - Vertreter der Wissenschaften im DIN / NAGUS
  • ISO/TC 301  - Energy management and energy savings
    Standardisation in the field of energy management and energy saving
    Jochen Buser - VNU representative on the German mirror committee DIN / NA 172 / AA 9


Several delegates of DIN e.V. the German Institute for Standardization DIN participate in the annual ISO Plenary Meeting of the Technical Committee (TC 207) Environmental Management of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). In addition, the VNU can directly contribute the expertise of its members via the EMS Working Group and a liaison partnership.

External links

Along with VBU e.V. the Association of Operations Representatives., the delegates of the VNU e. V. report on the results of the consultations in the UmweltMagazin.  For VNU members, the subscription to UmweltMagazin is included in the membership fee.