Water Risk – 14. Meeting

04. March 2021 in Zoom-Meeting, Beginn: 10:00


The Water Risk Department organised the next virtual meeting (Zoom meeting) on 4 March 2021 from 10:00 to 12:00, where we presented the activities of the Federal Institute of Hydrology, learned about the Federal Environment Agency's study on Germany's water footprint and discussed it together.

Participation is open to all interested parties who are involved in water management and (operational) water protection. With changing topics we offer you a professional insight and the opportunity for exchange with the other participants as well as the speakers. You are also welcome to use this meeting to get in contact with the VNU association and its entire range of services from and for members.


Welcome and introduction
Bettina Heimer (VNU), Dr. Markus Berger (TU Berlin)

Der Wasserfußabdruck Deutschlands
(Konzeptionelle Weiterentwicklung des Wasserfußabdrucks zur Abbildung möglicher qualitativer und quantitativer Wasserbelastungen entlang eines Produktlebenszyklus)
Jonas Bunsen, TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Sustainable Engineering, Berlin

Die Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde - Aufgaben - Tätigkeiten und die Zusammenarbeit mit BMU/UBA
Dr. Ralf Busskamp, Leitung des Referats M4, Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde, Koblenz

Documents / Records

Presentations and recors from the 14th Meeting on March, 4th, 2021 you'll get with an download link, you please ask for (request)


All Documents / Records are only available for participants on 14th meeting and VNU-Members, so  please do NOT SHARE the Link.The recording of Dr. Busskamp's contribution is for internal use ONLY and is not allowed to be published. - Thank you for your understanding.

Next Date

Save the date – 15th Meeting on August, 30th, 2021 (14 – 16 h)

We are pleased to be able to announce the next date for August, 30th, 2021 (attention, at the request of the participants, at changed time).

Dr. M. Clostermann (MGC Markscheiderisch Geotechnisches Consulting, Dortmund) will show us water from a new perspective and will speak on mining dewatering.

The water footprint of cotton is the topic of the research work of M.Sc. Natalia Finogenova. The research project InoCottonGROW is a project with 26 cooperation partners from Germany, Pakistan and Turkey to promote sustainable water use in the cotton textile supply chain (tbc).

More Information

... about the VNU-Department Water Risk: Ressort Water Risk

... about all heads of VNU-Departments: Department heads

... about VNU Membership: become a member

... about the usage of ZOOM inVNU: VNU Information [ DE ]