VNU Annual Forum 2023 - ONLINE - free of charge
We had announced the VNU annual forum for 16 June 2023 in Frankfurt am Main. Unfortunately, very few people registered, so the VNU board decided to cancel the face-to-face event. But there are also good news ...
- The VNU annual meeting will not be cancelled completely, but will take place virtually (zoom meeting).
- Due to the reduced effort, we are happy to pass this advantage on to you and you can participate free of charge.
- Please use the online-registration (DE) to support our organisation - thank you very much.
This will allow us to maintain our offer (lectures and topics of the World Cafés) and still enable the exchange of members among each other. We are a bit sad, but there will be a new opportunity to meet in person.
Your VNU Board
09:30 Uhr
Opening of ZOOM-Session
Log-In for participants / internal small-talk
10:00 Uhr
Welcome (Lennart Schleicher, President of the board)
10:10 - 10:50 Uhr
News from the world of energy law (lecture)
There are many issues surrounding the topic of energy. Not only security of supply but also distribution, effective use and the impact on the climate. From a political point of view, energy is a top subject and therefore many new / changed regulations are being transferred into legal framework. Jochen Buser is head of the energy management department at VNU and will give an overview in his presentation..
10:50 Uhr
kurze Pause
11:00 - 11:40 Uhr
Economic evaluation of energy-relevant projects according to ValERI (DIN 17463)
Impulse from Frank Pelzer and shared exchange
Energy-relevant investments are sometimes not realised because they do not "pay off" quickly enough. With DIN 17463, a standardised method is now available that considers the dynamic net present value and provides a basis for decision-making. What needs to be taken into account and what aids and recommendations exist - these are our topics.
11:45 - 12:35 Uhr
Climate protection in the context of CSRD reporting
Impulse from Jakob Flechtner and shared exchange
Climate protection is an obligatory part of the CSR reporting that will be mandatory for non-SMEs in the future. The concrete requirements in the area of climate protection are expected to be adopted in June in the form of a European sustainability reporting standard (ESRS E-1 Climate Change). We will exchange views on the requirements and the implementation in the company.
12:35 - 13:15 Uhr
13:15 - 13:55 Uhr
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the VNU
Impulse from Klaus Schuler and shared exchange
Get involved in the future of VNU. How the members evaluate our engagement in the context of the SDGs and in which subject areas the VNU should be more active was the focus of a survey. The results of the short study within the association will be presented in the World Café and the implications for the future will be discussed together.
14:00 - 14:40 Uhr
Are environmental verifiers and consultants in short supply?
Impulse from Lennart Schleicher and shared exchange
Due to the efforts of the federal administration and new energy efficiency regulations, the demand for EMAS and thus also for verification and consultancy services is increasing. Are the current capacities sufficient? What can be done?
14:40 - 14:50 Uhr
short break
14:50 - 15:30 Uhr
Audit services in the context of CSRD reporting
Impulse from Gisbert Braun and shared exchange
The EU CSR Directive in particular calls for audit services for which only auditors are initially designated. Ecological, economic and social competences are required as expertise. What role can and should environmental verifiers play in this context?
15:30 - 15:45 Uhr
Wrap up and Good bye
Prerequisite for your participation is a VNU membership.
Please use the online-registration (DE). In case of questions please contact the VNU office.
Become a member?
You are not yet a VNU member but would like to attend the VNU Annual Conference?
VNU membership is possible as an individual or for companies. You can test both variants as a trial membership for 12 months and immediately use all the benefits and services of the association.
Information on VNU membership can be found in the VNU profile and under "Become a member".